lesadmin · June 27, 2012 · photography · 0 comments

I got all the bookings done to photograph the total eclipse of the sun on 14 November in Cairns.
The total eclipse is expected at 6:38 am at 13.5° above the horizon and last for 2min. Sunrise is at 5:34 am and the partial eclipse begins a few minutes later. At 6:00 am partial eclipse is half way across. The main outstanding factors are the weather and the best location. Any ideas on the location?
Will photograph with a canon 5DmkIII and either a 500mm canon with 2x extender or a borrowed 800mm with 1.4x. Any thoughts? I have ordered some Baader solar film and a canon internal filter holder that will fit both 500mm and 800mm lens. I’ll use a homemade altitude and azimuth gimble mount with a Gitzo GT1354ILS tripod. Hope that is stable enough.

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